What's a Pep Note you ask? As my former High School Cheerleader self would tell you, it's something I was born to make! Imagine crafty meets gift meets candy! When I was a High School Cheerleader we made them for the basketball team. The entire basketball team. I think we must have taken turns, because I can't imagine how homework could have gotten done if I was making 15+ pep notes all winter long. It was basically a card of some sort wishing the players good luck- if you happen to be dating one of said basketball players, I think candy may have been involved! Even at 16 years old, I was a crafty girl! Now that my daughter is a Middle School athlete, she has to make pep notes for her big sis on the volleyball team (shrieks of excitement)! Allowing her to make her own pep notes and not living vicariously through her has been a challenge for me, so I decided that I'd start making some to give to her! I think I'm having a little too much fun! Here are the first few I've made!

Stampin' Up! Items used:Mini Milk Carton Bigz L (117310)3/4" Chevron Ribbon: basic black (130010)Stampin' Write Markers: Real Red (100052), Daffodil Delight (119677)81/2" x 11" cardstock: Basic Gray (121045)Chalk Talk Framelits: (129983)

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